Monday, August 11, 2014

Our Meal Plan: 8/10-8/16

If you are looking for some of the strategies that help us decide what to eat every week, make sure you check out our Meal Tip Series!

Sunday: Popcorn, Granola Bars, Leftover Chicken, Chocolate Chip Cookies (Yeah, I know I won't be winning any "Mother of the Year" awards...)
Monday: Italian Casserole, Green Beans
Tuesday: Chicken and Artichokes, Sweet Potatoes
Wednesday: Lemon Blueberry Pancakes, Skillet Potatoes
Thursday: Bacon and Egg Burritos, Green Salad
Friday: Homemade Ham and Pineapple Pizza
Saturday: Leftovers

What is on your menu this week? Leave me some inspiration!
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