Tuesday, August 12, 2014

{Another} Little Critter Books Giveaway!

Almost a year ago, I had the opportunity to give away two Little Critter books by Mercer Mayer. I've always loved the Little Critter world that Mercer Mayer created. We had the books and old computer games while growing up, and I'll admit to quite a bit of nostalgia connected to the stories.

Happily, I get to host a Little Critter giveaway again this year! :)
We All Need Forgiveness is about learning to forgive others for the mistakes they make. Little Critter spills his mom's upside-down pineapple cake, and she forgives him, but Little Critter has a hard time forgiving others when they make mistakes. Instead, he is angry and mean to those around him. Until he makes a big mistake which costs everyone in his class a fun surprise. He learns that accidents happen and readily forgiving others makes life a lot more fun!

In Being Thankful, Little Critter wants a lot of stuff. Like everything he sets eyes on. (What parent hasn't experienced this?) Then he goes to the farm to visit his grandparents and gets a new perspective on the simple things in life and what it means to be thankful for what he already has.

The books are available in soft cover or as board books.

We All Need Forgiveness:   Flipbook    Product Link
In Being Thankful:             Flipbook    Product Link

Tommy Nelson is offering a copy of We All Need Foregiveness and Being Thankful to one A Beautiful Ruckus reader. Please use the Rafflecopter widget below to enter. The first tasks is not optional and must be completed to qualify for this giveaway. The additional entry tasks are optional. Winning entries will be validated prior to announcing the winner with an alternate drawn if the entries cannot be verified.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
The contest ends at 11:59pm on Monday, August 18th. The winner(s) will be randomly chosen and contacted by email. The winner(s) will have 48 hours to respond to the email with their information so that the prize can be forwarded to them. A Beautiful Ruckus is not responsible for the delivery of the prize and is not responsible if the sponsor does not deliver. This giveaway is open to residents of the United States. A Beautiful Ruckus received complimentary item(s) for review in exchange  for hosting this giveaway from Tommy Nelson. No other compensation was provided.  This post may contain affiliate links. For more info, please see my disclaimer page.


  1. Right now I'm really trying to focus on kindness and empathy with my four littles.

  2. We love Little Critter books! Both of these books sound like they have great lessons to learn!

  3. We are focusing on both gratitude for what we have and being positive! I had no idea how negative a little person could be at times :) We have read Little Critter since my 8yo was a little critter!

  4. We are focusing on being more thankful.

  5. Love the idea of these books and can't wait to find them for our 5 grandkids! (Or win them, of course, LOL.)

    Our son and his family live with us, including their 3yo son and 14mo daughter. We're working on manners--please, thank you (both of those he has down well), excuse me, I'm sorry.

    We raised our kids (ages 30 and almost-28) on Mercer Mayer books and continuing with the grandkids. Love MM books! :)

  6. I like to focus on the love of God - love and faith.

  7. Right now I'm working on kindness with my 2 year old

  8. We're working on....everything. I think gentleness/kindness is a focal point currently.

  9. We could definitely use the forgiving one while our 2 year old gets used to his newly-mobile little brother getting into everything!

  10. We are working on gratefulness and sharing right now.
    marypopmom (at) yahoo (dot) com

  11. I love little critter books, they were my favorite when I was little and now I read them to my daughter. We are working on forgiving

  12. I forgot all about Little Critter! And can't believe I did! I loved these books as a child and definitely need to get some for my daughter.

  13. We're working on not hurting others' feelings!

  14. I love Little Critter books! And these two sound excellent! I've never seen either of these.

  15. Oh, I didn't read what was supposed to be commented :) We are currently working on thankfulness and patience....and lots of other things!

  16. We are focusing on honesty and manners at the moment.


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